Extracts data of North America from the OpenstreetMaps project for free
Region | .pbf | .poly |
Bermuda | [bermuda.pbf] (1.62MB) | [bermuda.poly] |
Canada | [canada.pbf] (4.44GB) | [canada.poly] |
Greenland | [greenland.pbf] (15.09MB) | [greenland.poly] |
Mexico | [mexico.pbf] (476.05MB) | [mexico.poly] |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | [saint_pierre_et_miquelon.pbf] (1.2MB) | [saint_pierre_et_miquelon.poly] |
US-Midwest | [us-midwest.pbf] (1.77GB) | [us-midwest.poly] |
USA-Northeast | [us-northeast.pbf] (1.35GB) | [us-northeast.poly] |
USA-Pacific | [us-pacific.pbf] (141.8MB) | [us-pacific.poly] |
US South | [us-south.pbf] (3.1GB) | [us-south.poly] |
USA-West | [us-west.pbf] (2.51GB) | [us-west.poly] |
United States of America | [us.pbf] (8.96GB) | [us.poly] |
© Copyright 2023-2024 Data/Maps OSM Today and OpenStreetMap Contributors | Map tiles by CartoDB, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL.